Purple Bobblehead Bunny

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Holler TaeTiSeo MV

Let me holler at you!
Holler, Holler, Holler

TaeTiSeo aka Taken, Taken, Single
have made their comeback with their
second mini-album, "holler"

Their music video is pretty catchy especially
with the repetitive holler in the chorus. 

It has a nice jazz tune to it with a little pop 
It actually makes me want to add some
hip hop moves to the song

One of the things i really love of this MV
is the cute and easy dance steps
They are really easy to learn and easily
go with the music video

Also it has a somewhat sexy and cute concept
with their cute white dresses
and jean jackets with short shorts

They certainly show their true talents
and their beauty of course
look at Taeyeon 
why can't i be pretty like her?/ sobs

In the end, Holler is certainly a Music Video
you should watch


-Admin X

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